Saturday, August 20, 2011

Think Like a Scientist - (If a Maple Seeds Float to the Ground Like a Helicopter..... I wonder if.....)

Lockheed has created a new unmanned aircraft that replicates the motion of the maple seed. The craft is called the Samarai, is about a foot long, and has two moving parts along with a camera onboard. It can be controlled by an app on a tablet or using a remote control system. The tiny flying vehicle can hover in place and take off vertically in tight places.

The Samarai had its first flight this week, was piloted at a soccer field, and rose to the lofty height of about 30-feet. The idea for the small and light "drone" is that it would be compact enough for soldiers to carry in the field and for police departments to deploy to see what is over a wall or around a corner. The drones would be carried in a backpack and launched by throwing them like boomerangs.  Checkout this link to read more and to see a cool video of the Samari in flight!  Tiny Flying Vehicle Resembles Maple Seed

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